PUNCH4NFDI results documentation


Why Registration?

Agreement on the Use of PUNCH4NFDI Facilities, Infrastructures and Services

By registering to the PUNCH-AAI, you acknowledge the following terms.

  1. Everybody is wholeheartedly invited to put their scientific use cases and tasks onto the PUNCH4NFDI facilities, infrastructures and services.
  2. It is, however, understood that in the current phase, the use of these PUNCH4NFDI-connected resources is intended mainly for testing and development purposes. In fact, the related infrastructures and the related services themselves are still very much under development.
  3. Therefore, in particular, at the moment, PUNCH4NFDI does not provide long-term archival capacities.
  4. The still existing system limitations might hamper the execution of very large compute jobs or the storage of huge data amounts. Equally, very large numbers of users might exhibit the still existing problems and bottlenecks.
  5. If you are planning for larger exercises, we encourage you to let the PUNCH4NFDI management (support@punch4nfdi.de) know in advance so that we can arrange the best resources for you and coordinate with potential other exercises.
  6. It is also understood that the rules and conditions for the use of PUNCH4NFDI facilities, infrastructures and services might change in future, depending on the development of the consortium, the status of our services, the enlargement of the user community etc.. Changes will be communicated to all registered PUNCH4NFDI users.
  7. In case of questions or problems, don't hesitate to contact us at support@punch4nfdi.de.

Registration Guides

To register at PUNCH AAI there are two ways:


Alternative way:

Register with PUNCH AAI

AAI development

PUNCH Requirements AAI