PUNCH_ASTRO compute projects
We offer a limited amount of compute resources to the PUNCH4NFDI community mainly for testing and benchmarking new simulation codes on large-scale HPC systems. The scope of this program is to assist our users to apply for larger research compute projects at the Jülich Supercomputing Center or the Leibniz Supercomputing Center. PUNCH_ASTRO compute projects must be from the research field of astrophysics. The service is free of charge for PUNCH4NFDI members.
Applying for a test project:
Please Provide | Explanation |
Title | Define a short title of your planned compute activities. (max. 156 characters) |
Description | Write a short abstract about your planned compute activities. (maximum of 2048 characters) |
Software packages | State all software package you will or want to use for your compute activities. |
Programming Language | State the programming language(s) of your code or application. |
Parallel paradigm | State what parallel paradigm your code or application uses. |
Computing resources | Roughly estimate how many CPU hours are required to finish your planned compute activities. |
Persistent disk space | State how much disk space in total you need for your planned compute activities. |
Contact data | State your full name, organisation and how you can be reached. |
Access to FZJ JURECA
Up to 1 million compute hours per year are available for NFDI-test projects on the HPC system JURECA.
To get an account on JURECA, please follow the instructions below:
Step 1: If you do not have an account on JUDOOR, our portal, please register. Video instructions.
Step 2: Join the project punch_astro.
Step 3: Sign the usage agreements as shown on the video.
The documentation about the JURECA system at Jülich Supercomputing Centre is located here.
Access to LRZ HPC systems
PUNCH4NFDI users can get an account within an existing NFDI-test project on the Linux Cluster of LRZ (2 Pflop/s HPC system), or obtain help with getting a test project on SuperMUC/NG (largest HPC system of LRZ).
simulations [at] punch4nfdi.de